Day 30 - November 21, 2015

Today was yet another productive day for TF4 out at the hangar.  Work continued on the canopy, wings, and internal controls.  As for the wings, the left one is very close to completion with more work to be done on the wing tip and wiring, and the right wing skins have started to be deburred.  After many rivets, they are coming along great.

The canopy and internal fuselage were also worked on.  The canopy was masked with high strength tape in order to protect the plexi-glass during future sanding of fiberglass.  High density foam was also adhered to the canopy which will later be sanded for the appropriate contour. 

As for the internal fuselage, the control systems and pulley systems were installed and other cables have been attached.  The fuel tank was also Pro-Sealed and hopefully will hold any leaks.    
See you next time, and hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!

Day 29 - November 14, 2015

TF4 is making great progress!  This week, work continued on the canopy, fuel tank, wing skins, and internal control systems.  As for the canopy, it has been riveted and mounted to the canopy frame, achieving the right fit.  The latch was also installed and fits great.  The fuel tank was also tested for leaks, and leaks have still been found.  This will call for more Pro-Seal in order to seal the tank. 

As for the left wing, the process of skinning has been started and the stall warning was tested and works well with the flip of the switch.  The majority of the skin has been riveted on and is coming together nicely.  The control systems are still undergoing assembly and the wiring was also worked on today. 

Check back soon for more updates!

Day 28 - November 6, 2015 & Day 27 - October 31, 2015

Over the past two weeks, many tasks have been worked on including the fuel tank, engine cowling, canopy frame, the wing skins and wiring.  As for the fuel tank, it has been continued to be sealed and tested for leaks.  The engine cowling has still been undergoing the tedious work of trimming and sanding for the proper fit.  The work has been paying off with a great fit between the upper and lower halves.  


As for the canopy frame, the holes in the plexiglass have been drilled and the canopy latch has been undergoing many intricate details.  The canopy is also starting to be mounted to the fuselage.  The wings are in the stage of being skinned which has been an exciting phase so far.  The internal wiring was continued, as well as the flight control systems.

Stay tuned!