We worked on some final details on TF3 before the aircraft heads off to a different hangar for awhile. We calibrated the fuel voltage into the EFIS (Electronic Flight Information System), and the interior upholstery was permanently installed. It looks great!
The gascolator bolts were safety wired to make sure they would not come loose and the empennage fairing was trimmed in order for it to clear the horizontal stabilator.
The gascolator bolts were safety wired to make sure they would not come loose and the empennage fairing was trimmed in order for it to clear the horizontal stabilator.
As for TF4, the main center section assembly was completed. The baggage ribs and skin were also riveted together to the assembly.
The seat ribs and skin were finished and they are ready to be attached to the main center section assembly.
The step ribs were also prepared and riveted to one of the forward bulkheads.
The control column mount assemblies were assembled and are ready to be attached to the bulkhead where the control sticks will be. The longerons were incrementally bent every one inch, to fit to the shape of the canopy decks.
Check back soon for more progress!